Presenting on Zoom Can Be Scary As a presentation coach and a public speaker for more than fifteen years, I get the opportunity to discuss multiple issues people face in their daily lives and public speaking. No matter whether you’re presenting to your boss or taking part in a Zoom meeting, that feeling in the pit of your stomach always lingers. But the question is how to speak confidently on Zoom?
To overcome public speaking fears, it is essential to be aware of your audience, use notes or an outline, and practice beforehand. Tailor your presentation and practice it so that you feel more confident when delivering the presentation.
Even though public speaking can be nerve-wracking, here are some simple things you can do to make it less intimidating.
How To Tackle The Fear Of Public Speaking On Zoom? For those who already suffer from stage fright or public speaking anxiety, the idea of giving a presentation on Zoom may be incredibly daunting. But Don’t be shy! You can do this! Even though public speaking may seem daunting, especially if you’re doing it online, plenty of techniques can help you feel more confident.
Follow these simple tips; you’ll be on your way to giving successful Zoom presentations in no time. So don’t let the fear of public speaking hold you back – keep reading for helpful advice that will put your mind at ease.
Presenting on Zoom doesn’t need to be a challenge.
Use The Breath To Get And Stay Connected: It’s the morning of your big Zoom meeting, and your heart is racing. You’re unsure if its nerves or the three cups of coffee you chugged, but your hands won’t stop shaking. You also try to take a few deep breaths to calm down, but it only makes your heart beat faster. Suddenly, the screen before you blurs, and you feel lightheaded. You realize you’re about to pass out.
This scenario is not uncommon. It’s so common that there’s a term for it: Zoom fatigue. And while many factors can contribute to Zoom fatigue (like working from home in general, staring at a screen all day, or being on video call after video call), one of the most common causes is simply holding your breath.
When we’re nervous or anxious, it’s natural to start taking shallower breaths. And when we’re staring at a screen, it’s easy to forget to breathe, which can end up with less oxygen in our blood, making us feel lightheaded or even causing us to pass out.
So how can you avoid this situation?
The next time you feel anxious about a Zoom call, take some deep breaths and focus on your breathing.
Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and exhale for a count of four. Repeat this until you start to feel calmer.
And if you find yourself getting lightheaded during a Zoom call, take a break and walk around for a few minutes, or sit up straight and take some deep breaths.
And if nothing works, don’t be afraid to end the call early. Relax and focus on your mental health; that should be more important than any meeting.
Get Physically Relaxed: Many of us feel a sense of trepidation regarding video meetings. We worry about how we’ll look on camera, whether we’ll have technical difficulties and whether we’ll be able to communicate with our team effectively.
Tackle the fear of zoom meeting by getting loose. Loosening up before a big meeting can help you feel more relaxed and confident when it’s time to talk business. Take a few minutes to yourself to get in the right mindset-listen to some music, do some deep breathing exercises, or stretch your body out.
Try to center yourself and quiet your mind to focus on the task. Once you feel ready, log into the meeting and give it to you all! Remember, you’ve got this.
In this video, you’ll discover four strategies to grow your confidence in meetings, whether they’re on Zoom or in person.

Engage With Your Audience:
Any form of public speaking can be nerve-wracking, and the Zoom format adds an extra layer of stress for many people. After all, it can be challenging to gauge nonverbal cues when you’re staring at a screen, and it’s easy to feel like you’re in a one-way conversation.
However, you can do a few things to make Zoom meetings more interactive and engaging.
Keep your camera on – this will help maintain eye contact and create a more personal connection with your audience.
Before each meeting, send out a schedule and allow time for each person to introduce themselves.
Try to ask lots of questions and encourage your participants to do the same. It will help foster a back-and-forth conversation rather than simply delivering a monologue.
Avoid reading from a script or slides – instead, allow yourself to be spontaneous and engage at the moment.
Practise: Make A Solo Zoom Call: Another helpful approach is to try a solo Zoom call by scheduling a meeting with yourself, using the mute and video features so that you’re the only one who can see and hear yourself. It can be a great way to get comfortable with the format, learn how to use the various features, and help you become more familiar with your appearance on video, which can be helpful if you’re worried about how you look on camera.
Most importantly, it can help you build confidence in your ability to use Zoom for future meetings.
Make It Short And Precise: Delivering short, sharp sentences is one of the most effective ways to quell the fear of Zoom meetings, as it gives the person speaking a sense of control and authority. It also allows them to focus on what they are saying rather than getting lost in their thoughts.
Furthermore, it helps keep the audience engaged, as they are more likely to pay attention to something concise and the point. So next time you feel nervous about leading a Zoom meeting, try delivering your sentences in short, sharp bursts. And you will realize how much more confident and assured you sound.
The fear of Zoom meetings can be daunting, but by following these simple steps, you can conquer your fears and participate in productive discussions.
Summing Up Presenting on Zoom: Public speaking is a difficult task for many people, but with the help of some simple tips and practice, it can be easier than you think.
In this blog post, we’ve outlined some basic principles to follow when giving a presentation on Zoom- from preparing beforehand to dealing with nerves onstage. By following these guidelines, you can give your best performance and feel more confident in front of an audience. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today!
Looking for someone to help you prepare for a Zoom Presentation? Get in touch today!