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Presentation Skills Checklist

Want to be better at presentation skills? Follow our presentation skills checklist!

Have you got a checklist to improve your presentation skills?
Checklist of Presentation Skills
  • Think about the context of the presentation:

  • Identify the audience and their interests.

  • Determine the size of the audience.

  • Consider the duration of the presentation.

  • Assess the availability of visual aids and equipment.

  • Plan time for questions and interaction.

  • Decide on your topic:

  • Clearly define the main point or points you want to communicate.

  • Summarize the key message in one or two sentences.

  • Structure the content:

  • Organize your ideas into a logical sequence.

  • Determine the relative weight of each section of the presentation.

  • Capture the listeners' interest:

  • Use examples, anecdotes, statistics, or quotations to engage the audience.

  • Rough-draft visual aids:

  • Create visual aids to enhance the clarity and flow of your presentation.

  • Consider if some information should be included in handouts.

  • Check the overall length:

  • Ensure the presentation fits within the allocated time.

  • Aim for a little shorter rather than longer.

  • Use the guideline of allowing about one minute for every 100 words.

  • Finalize visual aids:

  • Complete the preparation of visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides or transparencies.

  • Prepare backups in case of technical issues.

  • Prepare presentation handouts:

  • If needed, create and make copies of handouts.

  • Plan your opening, transitions, and conclusion:

  • Decide on the exact words for these key parts of your presentation.

  • Practice them repeatedly, and consider using note cards for reference.

  • Rehearse your presentation:

  • Practice your presentation multiple times.

  • Practice alone or with a friend or colleague.

  • Focus on fluency, clarity, and projecting your voice.

  • Check the timing and adjust if necessary.

  • Mark time references within the presentation.

  • Anticipate and prepare for questions:

  • Think about potential questions the audience may ask.

  • Plan and rehearse your responses.

  • Be calm and organized on the day of the presentation:

  • Familiarize yourself with the presentation location beforehand.

  • Arrive early to set up and ensure everything is in order.

  • Take all visual aids, notes, and necessary papers.

  • Manage nervousness through deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

  • Focus on the audience and confidently deliver your message.

By following this checklist, you can enhance your presentation skills, overcome procrastination, and deliver impactful presentations with confidence and effectiveness.

Looking to get help with giving powerful presentations? Reach out to us here.


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