Here is a step-by-step guide for developing your speaking voice based on the key points provided by Public Speaking Coach Mark:

Step 1: Improve your breathing technique
Practice diaphragmatic breathing by standing against a wall with your back straight.
When inhaling, focus on allowing your abdomen to expand rather than your chest.
Exhale by propelling air up from your diaphragm beneath your solar plexus.
Take deeper breaths and exhale steadily using your diaphragm for support.
Step 2: Develop resonance in your voice
Hum while focusing the vibration on your lower forehead to achieve "head resonance."
Let more air flow through your nasal passages to amplify resonance.
Listen to examples of resonant voices and aim to emulate their rounded, ringing tone.
Step 3: Lower your pitch slightly
Identify your normal speaking pitch and aim to lower it by about a musical "third."
Use the first two notes of the Star Spangled Banner as a guide for how much to lower your pitch.
Don't force an unnaturally low voice, just a subtle drop in your usual pitch.
Step 4: Eliminate vocal patterns
Record yourself speaking and listen back for repetitive patterns like uptalk, singsong, etc.
Imitate vocal patterns from speakers you admire to break monotony.
Vary your tone, stress, and rhythm instead of relying on one way of speaking.
Step 5: Improve diction and pacing
Articulate endings clearly, don't drop sounds like “-ing.”
Slow down your rate to enunciate each word fully.
Avoid sloppy, breathy diction by over-pronouncing slightly.
Step 6: Relax your vocal apparatus
Do jaw massages and neck stretches to release tension.
Hum and vocalize to loosen up.
Breathe through a straw to practice steady airflow.
Step 7: Continue daily practice
Record yourself regularly and listen back to monitor progress.
Hydrate and warm up your voice before extensive use.
Preserve your voice by avoiding smoking, yelling, or overuse.
With regular practice using these techniques, you can develop a more authoritative, resonant, and expressive speaking voice over time.